You’ll Enjoy It!

“Hi Graham. When you arrive, we thought you might like to join us for an exercise class!” This was part of an email I received from the O’Brien’s prior to my visit to the Republic of Ireland in late March. Exercise is something I pursue most days, taking a walk for 30 minutes or more as the weather permits and my work schedule allows. But an exercise class? I asked for more details. “We do this three days a week with people from the community, and they love it,” was the reply. “Come on, you’ll enjoy it.” So I agreed and enlisted for the duration of my visit.
Exercising at 7:30 a.m. is not something I would typically look forward to. However, this group of seniors was very keen and encouraging. I found the program to be well planned and professionally executed, and though it was thoroughly exhausting, I did feel refreshed and invigorated afterward, setting the tone for the rest of the day. I wish there was something similar available where I live!
I would like to thank Sean O’Brien and his team for developing this ministry program and for the opportunity to meet some of the local people. This is just another way in which the Ireland team is impacting their local community and expanding their network. Keep up the good work, everyone!

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