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Image for Run the Race – Win the Gold

Run the Race – Win the Gold

As you hear the voice of Jesus urging you to run the frontier mission race, please connect with us. We want to help you win gold!

John Baxter
July 1st, 2024

Image for The Dream of Light and Guidance

The Dream of Light and Guidance

In sharing this story, I hope to inspire others to reflect on their spiritual journeys and to seek the profound messages that may come, sometimes, even in our dreams.

Abed Al-Masih
July 1st, 2024

Image for The Race

The Race

In your quest to generate income in your retirement and allocate funds to further the gospel, maybe it’s time to consider moving the finish line by setting up an IRA-funded Charitable Gift Annuity.

James Petty
July 1st, 2024

Image for Set Free in Christ Institute: Ministering to Members and the Unreached

Set Free in Christ Institute: Ministering to Members and the Unreached

The Set Free in Christ Institute emphasizes the importance of human wholeness in finding freedom, healing and hope in Jesus Christ.

Michée Badé
July 1st, 2024

Image for A Ministry for Our Time

A Ministry for Our Time

We minister in the name of Jesus Christ, who has never lost a battle with Satan, and we drive back the prince of darkness in the name of the Light of the World.

Conrad Vine
July 1st, 2024

Image for Editorial: July 2024

Editorial: July 2024

Let us also honor those who responded to the call and said, “Here am I. Send me.”

Bryan Hill
July 1st, 2024

Image for Utter Darkness

Utter Darkness

I always felt a great sense of relief when the lights came back on. I didn’t want to try to get out of there in the dark.

Grace Burton
June 1st, 2024

Image for Editorial: June 2024

Editorial: June 2024

We prayed for those young ladies, faithfully serving God according to their beliefs, and asked that He help them follow Him into all truth.

Bryan Hill
June 1st, 2024

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