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Image for Eternal Life Matters

Eternal Life Matters

You know Jesus Christ is your Savior. You have the hope of eternal life through faith in His sacrifice. Go and share the amazing good news of the crucified, resurrected and soon-coming Savior with the unreached. Why? Because eternal life matters.

John Baxter
May 8th, 2018

Image for Jesus Is At Work

Jesus Is At Work

Open our eyes, Lord, that we may see Jesus—in the lives of those around us, and in our own homes and hearts also. Grant us the discernment to perceive His presence, the grace to accept His will, and the courage to follow Him.

Conrad Vine
May 1st, 2018

Image for Editorial: May 2018

Editorial: May 2018

Our missionaries live in Satan’s crosshairs, and they absolutely depend on your constant prayers for their protection, strength and success. No work is more offensive to Satan than theirs, for it shortens his very life as it speeds the return of our Savior.

Bill Fagal
May 1st, 2018

Image for Miriam’s Testimony

Miriam’s Testimony

“I pray that whoever reads this will remember that God’s plan is perfect. It may not happen when we want it, and it can take a day or years. But it will happen, and it will be perfect.”

Marc Coleman
April 17th, 2018

Image for Editorial: April 2018

Editorial: April 2018

How is God calling you as you turn the pages of Adventist Frontiers?

Bill Fagal
April 1st, 2018

Image for Imagine


Stop imagining. Make this final scenario a reality today. Please contact us so we can send you to share the everlasting gospel with those who are longing for something better.

John Baxter
March 13th, 2018

Image for Editorial: March 2018

Editorial: March 2018

While SMs are powerful agents of change, most of them would tell you that they themselves are the ones most changed by their experience.

Bill Fagal
March 1st, 2018

Image for Forgiven and Forgiving

Forgiven and Forgiving

We cannot harbor unforgiveness and bitterness and still be free to fully serve Christ.

Susan Payne
February 20th, 2018

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