Home Office Blog
All Things to All People
I invite you this week to invest in Jesus and to invite others to do the same.
Adam Kotanko
April 18th, 2017
My prayer for us all is that in our sacrifices we will grow stronger in Christ, that His provision of grace will abound in our lives, and that our love and gratitude to our Heavenly Father will grow deeper still.
Conrad Vine
April 4th, 2017
Editorial: April 2017
In the midst of their heartache, our missionaries’ commitment to reaching the unreached burns even brighter, because they hold even more tenaciously to God’s promises.
Bill Fagal
April 1st, 2017
One Giant Leap For missions
You can make this life-changing experience your own. Go as an AFM student missionary or support the AFM Student Missions fund.
Joshua Lewis
March 21st, 2017
Achieve Your Childhood Dreams
If you really achieve your childhood dream and serve as a student missionary, you will have no regrets and will have much to share.
John Baxter
March 14th, 2017
Student Missionary Training: Becoming the Gospel You Preach
“Thank You Lord,” I whispered as I looked over this group of precious young people. “Thank You for preparing them step by step to illuminate the gospel through the tempests and trials they will face as teams.”
Laurence Burn
March 7th, 2017
Editorial: March 2017
If you are a giver, multiply that blessing by giving to the AFM Student Missions Fund.
Bill Fagal
March 1st, 2017
Editorial: January 2017
Someday in eternity when you are reviewing the records of your life history on earth, I predict that you will be utterly astounded at the massive salvos of divine power your heartfelt prayers unleashed.
Bill Fagal
January 1st, 2017