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Rusk SDA Church
Dyersburg Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Jephthae Campbell
I grew up on a small farm in rural Kentucky, where, early on, my three siblings and I learned to care for animals, tend the garden and preserve food. These experiences, combined with a strong work ethic and the joy of hard labor, laid a solid foundation that has served…
Kamiah Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Sawyer, Shaina
Development Assistant
Sawyer, Shaina
Shaina Sawyer is the Development Assistant for AFM.
A Place With No Straight Lines
The Greatest is Love
“And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love” (I Corinthians 13:13). Perhaps the most powerful experience I ever had with another human being was when my father attended an Adventist church for the first time. He and I washed each other’s feet during…
The Highest Price
We are in the United States during our furlough, and we have experienced many different situations: the food, the weather, the culture, the language, the traffic and more. It has been good to spend this time learning and thinking. After almost four years in the mission field, I can say…