
  • Pre-Entry
  • Pre-Evangelism
  • Evangelism
  • Discipleship
  • Phase-Out
  • Completed

About the People

The Palawano are a tribal group inhabiting the mountains in the south of Palawan. They are cultivators, forest-foragers, and hunters who somewhat resemble Malaysians. The Palawano language varies from region to region but seems to have similarities to Malay. Palawanos live in huts that they make from materials found in the jungle surrounding them. They live in family groups instead of typical villages and tend to live with the wife’s family group rather than the husband’s. These animistic people are controlled by their fear of the spirits, and the children are taught to fear them from their youngest days. Mainly illiterate but bright people, their youngsters have a yearning to learn. On the other hand, the adults have a fear of change and cling tenaciously to the ways of their forefathers.

Frontier Stories

Preparing for Rain

With God all things are possible, so we are aiming high and believing that He will provide for His school.

By: Leonda George
February 01 2017, 8:58 am | Comments 0

A Comfortable Home

Now is the time to sacrifice all we have and who we are for the Master. What will you sacrifice today?

By: Sonya Miller
January 01 2017, 2:01 pm | Comments 1

Walking With Jesus

My experiences here have made me realize that this is where I want to be.

By: Louis Rautenbach
January 01 2017, 11:30 am | Comments 0

Woman of Faith

Rusma has a true missionary spirit.

By: Leonda George
December 01 2016, 11:04 am | Comments 0

Precious Life

In losing our life for His sake, we shall find it.

By: Seth & Sonya Miller
December 01 2016, 8:18 am | Comments 0

Sand On the Seashore

Our prayer is that the Palawano people will indeed become children of Abraham and be blessed for eternity.

By: Sonya Miller
November 01 2016, 1:46 pm | Comments 0

Workers Needed

“Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth laborers into His harvest”

By: Brenden Teal
October 01 2016, 5:12 pm | Comments 2

Go to the Ant

If only all of God’s people would be like ants! We would spread out all over the earth through the power of the Holy Spirit, telling the precious lost, hungry and perishing people of earth.

By: Seth Miller
October 01 2016, 4:40 pm | Comments 1


There is nothing more exciting than being an eyewitness to the working of God in people’s lives.

By: Leonda George
September 01 2016, 12:31 pm | Comments 1

So All the World WIll Hear

Through God’s gift of repentance, let’s receive the Holy Spirit and all of Jesus and His righteousness into our hearts each and every moment.

By: Seth Miller
September 01 2016, 12:04 pm | Comments 0

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