
  • Pre-Entry
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  • Completed

About the People

The Palawano are a tribal group inhabiting the mountains in the south of Palawan. They are cultivators, forest-foragers, and hunters who somewhat resemble Malaysians. The Palawano language varies from region to region but seems to have similarities to Malay. Palawanos live in huts that they make from materials found in the jungle surrounding them. They live in family groups instead of typical villages and tend to live with the wife’s family group rather than the husband’s. These animistic people are controlled by their fear of the spirits, and the children are taught to fear them from their youngest days. Mainly illiterate but bright people, their youngsters have a yearning to learn. On the other hand, the adults have a fear of change and cling tenaciously to the ways of their forefathers.

Frontier Stories

Let Your Heart Be Broken

Whether we’re in the mountains of Palawan or on the streets of some great city, Jesus is calling to us today: “Will you let your heart be broken for Me?”

By: Brittany Sherwin
October 01 2011, 1:55 pm | Comments 0

By His Spirit

“I am going over towards the school to check on Hilin and Rusma,” radioed Kiana long after dark one evening.

By: Leonda George
September 01 2011, 2:09 pm | Comments 0

Starting in Sorrow, Ending in Joy

Most of these people are Christians, I mused as I looked over the small crowd gathered at the graveside.

By: Leonda George
August 01 2011, 2:37 pm | Comments 0


“Lima Golf, Lima Golf, do you copy Sierra Victor?”
“Yes, this is Lima Golf, go ahead Sierra Victor. Over.”

By: Leonda George
June 01 2011, 2:42 pm | Comments 0

A Filipino Wedding

We first met Michel about six years ago when she arrived from Mindanao, Philippines, to fill the role of mission school teacher here in Kamantian.

By: Leonda George
May 01 2011, 2:51 pm | Comments 0

Withered Daisy

“I am here to get sweet medicine for my child’s cough.” The toothless mother pointed to the wisp of a child suspended in a colorful cloth sling across her shoulder.

By: Brian Glass
April 01 2011, 3:04 pm | Comments 0

Thank You Lord

“And Lord, I pray You will give Kent and Leonda an extra special blessing this summer—something extraordinary so they can sense how special they are to You. Amen.” As our friend finished praying, I felt a sense of expectation that God really would do something different and wondered what it might be.

By: Leonda George
March 01 2011, 4:13 pm | Comments 0


Caught drinking after church one day, two mission school students said, “Well, we figured it didn’t matter since Rinal is drinking.”

By: Leonda George
January 01 2011, 4:17 pm | Comments 0

Education Evangelism

“We want a school for our children. We’re too old to change our ways, but our children can learn.”

By: Leonda George
December 01 2010, 4:22 pm | Comments 0

Bridge Across the Temlang

While visiting with some dear friends in the States last winter, we were introduced to a young man by the name of Anthony Groft, a civil engineering student with a particular interest in bridges.

By: Leonda George
November 01 2010, 3:30 pm | Comments 1

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