
  • Pre-Entry
  • Pre-Evangelism
  • Evangelism
  • Discipleship
  • Phase-Out
  • Completed

About the People

The Palawano are a tribal group inhabiting the mountains in the south of Palawan. They are cultivators, forest-foragers, and hunters who somewhat resemble Malaysians. The Palawano language varies from region to region but seems to have similarities to Malay. Palawanos live in huts that they make from materials found in the jungle surrounding them. They live in family groups instead of typical villages and tend to live with the wife’s family group rather than the husband’s. These animistic people are controlled by their fear of the spirits, and the children are taught to fear them from their youngest days. Mainly illiterate but bright people, their youngsters have a yearning to learn. On the other hand, the adults have a fear of change and cling tenaciously to the ways of their forefathers.

Frontier Stories

Attempted Murder

Bang! Bang-bang-bang! Shots rang out it rapid fire, shattering the serenity of the jungle. The bullets tore into Akluman’s arm, shoulder and back. Bleeding and in terror for his life, Akluman fled to safety with the help of his wife.

By: Seth & Sonya Miller
September 01 2019, 5:23 pm | Comments 0

Satan’s Grasp

Please pray that Abew will make a full commitment and be released from Satan’s grasp. Pray that Mitil will have courage to continue following Christ and fellowshipping with His church.

By: Leonda George
August 01 2019, 2:03 pm | Comments 0


Severe pain troubled him after the surgery. But as my family and I visited him on Sabbath morning, he greeted us with a smile and looked like a new man!

By: Seth Miller
August 01 2019, 1:34 pm | Comments 0

Transfusion and Transformation

God is using you to make a difference here in Palawan!

By: Seth & Sonya Miller
July 01 2019, 12:51 pm | Comments 0

Rusalin’s Ordeal

She was no longer completely unconscious, and she was still breathing on her own, but the doctors insisted she couldn’t go in the ambulance without being intubated.

By: Leonda George
July 01 2019, 12:23 pm | Comments 0

You are a Church

Indeed, God’s Word is Life—not only to the hearer, but also to the speaker, for He instructs me while I teach these dear friends. What a privilege to serve such an awesome God!

By: Leonda George
May 01 2019, 8:35 pm | Comments 0

First Sabbath in Kemantian

He was elderly now, and breathed heavily while he squatted and talked with us. Then, to my surprise, he asked me to tell him a story. By God’s grace I was able to share with him some of what Jesus means to me.

By: Seth & Sonya Miller
April 01 2019, 1:55 pm | Comments 0


I was a prisoner before I understood that true freedom only comes through willingly surrendering my life to Christ.

By: Leonda George
March 01 2019, 7:18 pm | Comments 0

Impaled On A Stick

Thank you so much for your prayers that God is using to work miracles!

By: Seth & Sonya Miller
March 01 2019, 6:52 pm | Comments 0

Help for the Suffering and Dying

We want the Palawano to receive the best medical treatment possible, not just so that they might be saved for this life, but for eternity through our Savior Jesus Christ.

By: Seth & Sonya Miller
January 01 2019, 2:20 pm | Comments 0

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