The Set Free in Christ Institute is comprised of Seventh-day Adventist deliverance ministry practitioners from around the world and includes, but is not limited to, professors, administrators, pastors, laymen, missionaries, and others.
The SDA Fundamental Belief #11 “Growing in Christ” explicitly recognizes the reality of demonization and the authority of Jesus Christ to rebuke Satan and set his captives free. However, it is a sad reality that very few Adventists engage in deliverance ministry, possibly out of fear or the risk of being labeled as charismatic or evangelical. The net result is that many Adventists experience dual allegiance, demonization in various forms, and lack full victory in Jesus Christ. The Set Free in Christ Institute seeks to equip and prepare Adventist practitioners to minister in this critical area of Christian experience within the boundaries of a clearly defined biblical and Spirit of Prophecy framework.
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