Field Stories
Featured stories from the most recent issue of Adventist Frontiers.
Seeking You as a Precious Jewel
Will I remember that the next time someone steals my honey or overcharges me because I am a foreigner? Yes, if I continue feeding my soul with God’s word.
Let us be so changed that we feel selfish if we do not share the Gospel by living it before others.
Joshua Lewis
October 1st, 2021
Jungle House Call
God can write a happy ending to this story. He raised Lazarus to life, and He can bring Malnasan’s dead foot, toes and finger to life, as well.
Seth Miller
October 1st, 2021
Finally, Clarisse was able to speak. She confessed that Jesus was the Lord of her life. With more rebuking and praying, she was slowly able to get up and, even more slowly, walk around the room.
Suzy Baldwin
October 1st, 2021
Curses are real, there is no doubt, and sometimes it is hard to know if we are dealing with a “normal” medical condition, a curse or a mixture of both. But God’s power is beyond any curse or sickness.
October 1st, 2021
Give Time to Time
Trying to prove how powerful he was, the healer started predicting things that would happen to Amina’s family, and she became afraid to return home.
George Tooray
September 1st, 2021
Newly-Equipped Christian Soldiers
We invite you to prayerfully consider God’s call on your life. Next year could be the best year of your life, learning to trust the Savior fully while serving as a Christian soldier.
September 1st, 2021
Broken to Broken
Working in a broken country has caused me to be confronted with my own broken condition. Seeing this brokenness in others reminds me of my own, which leads me to seek the healing that only Jesus can give.
Kyle Tumberg
September 1st, 2021
As a new mom, I understand and enjoy the bonds which can form between new mothers. I am grateful that God has answered my prayer for opportunities to minister to women through prenatal and postpartum care.
Carly Tirado
September 1st, 2021