Field Stories
Featured stories from the most recent issue of Adventist Frontiers.
Of Storms and Storks
As so often happens in the mission field, when Rema and I were willing to do what we could, God took the little we knew and used it to save two precious lives, both in this world and for eternity.
John Holbrook
January 1st, 2021
Farewell to Cambodia
As our chapter with the Pnong ends and Christian’s and Solange’s chapter begins, will you continue to play your part in the story of the Pnong people?
Molly Timmins
January 1st, 2021
Pressing Upward
I am so thankful to God for His providence that day. He knows the number of the hairs of our heads, and He cares about us.
Seth Miller
January 1st, 2021
He Qualifies the Called
If you have fears and don’t feel that you are qualified for cross-cultural mission service, don’t forget what Dale told me so many years ago: God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
Daniel Greenfield
January 1st, 2021
Women’s Ministry
Not too long ago, my husband encouraged me to start a community ministry. Prayer is the DNA of our team, so we sought God’s leading.
Theresa Tooray
December 1st, 2020
Carlos & Adri
Carlos and Adri have been a longtime witness for the seventh-day Sabbath within their circle of friends and family.
David Hicks
December 1st, 2020
His relatives ask him why his God is not healing him completely, but Daniel and his wife have set their minds on Jesus.
Uli Baur
December 1st, 2020