Field Stories

Featured stories from the most recent issue of Adventist Frontiers.

Image for A New Heart

A New Heart

“Noy is a new man. It’s like I met him for the first time. In the past he never admitted that he was wrong. But now he admits when he makes mistakes.”

Molly Timmins
July 1st, 2019

Image for Lightning Spirits

Lightning Spirits

Remen screamed, and Waran turned white. He knew that this must be a Paroy spirit coming to punish them for switching to Jesus’ side.

John Holbrook
July 1st, 2019

Image for Rusalin’s Ordeal

Rusalin’s Ordeal

She was no longer completely unconscious, and she was still breathing on her own, but the doctors insisted she couldn’t go in the ambulance without being intubated.

Leonda George
July 1st, 2019

Image for Water Crisis

Water Crisis

Over the years, people in Kangaba have attempted to dig wells, but most efforts were in vain, and many diggers lost their lives in the attempts. Even wells that do find water tend to dry up for part of the year. We are grateful for our donkey that helps us haul our water long distances to our home.

June 1st, 2019

Image for Ernestine’s Dream

Ernestine’s Dream

Ernestine was the first to come forward. Our eyes met, and we both began to cry. God had done His part, so Ernestine was doing hers. She was baptized that day in her new Pathfinder uniform.

Fred Coker
June 1st, 2019

Image for No Is Not an Answer

No Is Not an Answer

What would missionary work look like if we promoted the gospel in such a persistent manner?

David Hicks
June 1st, 2019

Image for Taking the Torch

Taking the Torch

We drove all over town that day, and everywhere we went, Bo recognized people or shared kind words with a stranger.

Carly Tirado
June 1st, 2019

Image for Refreshed and Renewed

Refreshed and Renewed

Every week we are refreshed and renewed as we listen to the stories of how God rewards the simple faith of our Pnong friends.

Molly Timmins
June 1st, 2019

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