Field Stories

Featured stories from the most recent issue of Adventist Frontiers.

Image for Refreshed and Renewed

Refreshed and Renewed

Every week we are refreshed and renewed as we listen to the stories of how God rewards the simple faith of our Pnong friends.

Molly Timmins
June 1st, 2019

Image for Communion and Farewell

Communion and Farewell

God has brought others to us to study from His Word and to become baptized into the faith that we hold so precious.

Bo Hutchison
June 1st, 2019

Image for The Power of Thine Hand

The Power of Thine Hand

“Take a few of mine,” she smiled, placing some in my hands. Immediately, another woman I do not know gave me an even larger handful.

Keren Lawrence
June 1st, 2019

Image for You are a Church

You are a Church

Indeed, God’s Word is Life—not only to the hearer, but also to the speaker, for He instructs me while I teach these dear friends. What a privilege to serve such an awesome God!

Leonda George
May 1st, 2019

Image for Visibly Different

Visibly Different

May this center become a beacon of light and hope in this community, and may our members’ lovingkindness spill out into Berat and beyond. Won’t you become a part of this project through your prayers and financial support?

Sean Mays
May 1st, 2019

Image for The Attack

The Attack

Images of angry eyes flash into my memory. A shaking finger points at me as sharp curses echo in my mind.

Molly Timmins
May 1st, 2019

Image for Still Faithful

Still Faithful

Stay faithful. Jesus is coming very soon!

Diane Hooker
May 1st, 2019

Image for Education Seminar

Education Seminar

The Sepik River was at high-water level, and the church yard was flooded. I waded through the knee-deep water . . .

Keren Lawrence
May 1st, 2019

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