Field Stories
Featured stories from the most recent issue of Adventist Frontiers.
Spiritual Retreats—A Key for Growth
These events really meet a need, and I praise God for blessing us with property and facilities for hosting retreats and seminars.
Uli Baur
July 1st, 2017
Visiting the Bridgers
Please keep these families in your prayers as they adjust to a completely different way of life and make friends for Jesus.
Pauline Allcock
July 1st, 2017
Not Dissuaded
May our loving Heavenly Father grant this family His grace and courage as they move forward in faith.
Graham Allcock
June 1st, 2017
Community Outreach
We have been sent to point others to the promise of hope and restoration we all have in Jesus Christ. There are different ways the Lord can work through us to do this.
George Tooray
June 1st, 2017
Not I, But Christ
So what’s my job in all this? To live and to let Christ live through me. And when I do that and only that, His power, His love and His truth will be spread.
Marielle Griffiths
June 1st, 2017
Anna I and welcomed Pear into the family of Christ and told her how excited we were about her decision.
Kyle Tumberg
June 1st, 2017
The Monkey and the Key
How much greater is the joy that all heaven experiences when God’s wandering children are brought home?
Christopher Sorensen
June 1st, 2017
We didn’t come on our own accord, but were sent by God almighty. Jesus still performs miracles today!
Fidel Noutehou
June 1st, 2017