Revival Meetings in Wyap

Image for Revival Meetings in Wyap

Finally, after getting a few last-minute items, we were off. I was using our flat-bottomed boat to go to the village of Wyap (pronounced Y-app) four hours up the river for a one-week series of revival meetings. I was accompanied by David, a deacon in the May River Church.

When we got there we were greeted by the Wyap church members who had prepared a welcome for us. Everything was soon set up so that we could start our outdoor meetings that night.

In my evening presentations that week I used various Bible passages to highlight the message that Jesus is coming soon, and we need to be ready for Him. My morning devotional meetings focused on the story of one Bible character per day and how their life showed their trust in God.

During these morning meetings I began to see the need for developing biblical narrative stories, carefully constructed to meet the needs of the local people. I quickly learned that even “common” Bible characters such as Noah, Joseph and Gideon are not well known in Wyap.

Over the course of the week, seven individuals asked me to pray for them as they had made the decision to come back to church.

Keren and I see the need for spending much more time visiting the local church plants and the need for additional training of local leaders at each of these churches. Please join us in praying for God’s direction as we train local leaders in new approaches to spreading the gospel in ways that make a lasting change in people’s hearts and minds.