Editorial: January 2022

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The clock has lowered over Times Square, and the new year is upon us. Will the future be good? Will it hold success and praise or defeat and discouragement?
Let’s embrace 2022 with a vital, life-giving relationship with Jesus, with resolutions to anchor our missionaries in prayer and with our own emboldened plans to share Jesus with the unreached. In what way? Let’s peek into what the missionaries are doing—intentionally—to reach out and witness.

The Coals joined a gym (p. 22) with the express purpose of simultaneously building friendships in order to witness. They are healthier now and rejoicing over five new friends who are now attending church.

For greater personal growth with God, remember to take off the training wheels (Cardona, p. 23) and get out there and share Jesus! Or break out of your introvert mold with a simple smile (Reyes, p. 46).

Feeling like the golden years are peeking over the horizon? This hasn’t stopped the Haywards as they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in Thailand (p. 37), where they serve today. It’s called platinum mission service . . . and you are invited to join!

With what our society has served us over the course of 2021, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and, perhaps, even overcome. But Christ brings the freedom to hope, dream, plan and move forward in faith. He knows your future. He knows your struggles. Surrender to Him and take courage. Be bold! Commit your success to God and serve in His ranks. And look to the stories in Adventist Frontiers to encourage each one of us to make an impact for generations to come (Hooker p. 26).

Maranatha! Even so, come Lord Jesus!