Gideon and Pam Petersen were missionaries to the Himba people of Namibia and worked in the AFM Training Department from 2000-2013.
Gideon & Pam Petersen

Career Missionaries from 2000-2013, serving the Himba people of Namibia, and the Training Department of Adventist Frontier Missions.
Frontier Stories
God’s Dream
Help! How do I pack my life into a 50 lb. suitcase? My mind whirled. There was so much I would need to leave behind. Books! I wouldn’t be able to take any books. I love reading. How would I survive without my books? I couldn’t even take my South African comfort food.
Pam Petersen
October 01 2012, 5:19 pm | Comments 0
Himba Homecoming
“Oh, there’ll be joy when the work is done . . .” was the song on our lips as we departed from Windhoek, Namibia at the end of June. Kapitango gave a thought-provoking report to the Himba Project Steering Committee of the work he is doing. He did not hold back but shared from his heart the need for a partnership with the wider Church. The Church leadership accepted this with open arms and made a commitment to partner with Kapitango. And so we left that afternoon with a song on our lips and joy in our hearts—so different from when we had arrived at the beginning of June with fear and trepidation.
Gideon Petersen
September 01 2012, 5:12 pm | Comments 0
Help! I Can’t Read!
Squiggles . . . squiggles . . . more squiggles. Standing with our bags by our side, a feeling of lostness washes over us. How can anyone read this script?
Gideon Petersen
August 01 2012, 5:06 pm | Comments 0
My Opuwo Experience
I had answered a call to come to Opuwo in northern Namibia for two months to help teachers establish a Montessori preschool. I have experience running a Montessori preschool and had come to train the teachers and help them make Montessori equipment for the school.
Lois Brink
July 01 2012, 5:01 pm | Comments 0
Have you ever tried to do a big puzzle without looking at the picture? A thousand small pieces, and half of them look alike. Where do you start? You try joining this piece with that, and nothing seems to match. Your frustration mounts—that feeling of hopeless defeat that makes you want to quit.
Pam Petersen
June 01 2012, 4:58 pm | Comments 0