Gideon and Pam Petersen were missionaries to the Himba people of Namibia and worked in the AFM Training Department from 2000-2013.
Gideon & Pam Petersen

Career Missionaries from 2000-2013, serving the Himba people of Namibia, and the Training Department of Adventist Frontier Missions.
Frontier Stories
Himba Join World Church
Today, an organized church now serves as a lighthouse in Kaokoland. Praise be to God!
Gideon & Pam Petersen
January 01 2018, 8:34 am | Comments 0
It was February, 1995. The car was packed, the last good-byes said.
Pam Petersen
April 01 2013, 5:01 pm | Comments 0
The Otammari Gospel
We had a great time working on curriculum development and lesson planning.
Pam Petersen
March 01 2013, 10:02 am | Comments 0
It was a world where paper was unknown, and my way of relating to words was suddenly irrelevant. At first, I struggled to find myself.
Pam Petersen
January 01 2013, 12:27 pm | Comments 0
A Year of Blessings
I will forever remember 2012 as our year of reluctant transition. It was inevitable. We had been preparing for it. Yet, January 1, 2012 arrived abruptly. We reluctantly left our desert home in Namibia and stepped into a foggy maze of transitions. Now, looking back on the year, we can truly see God’s hand leading us through the maze. The path was filled with twists and turns, yet never led to any dead ends. As we moved forward, groping in the mist, suddenly and unexpectedly the sun would shine, showing the way forward and warming and energizing us. We would skip down the path, truly enjoying ourselves. We can truly praise God for a year of blessings.
Pam Petersen
December 01 2012, 5:25 pm | Comments 0