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Image for Editorial: January 2020

Editorial: January 2020

Missions has a way of reminding us that the term “normal” rapidly loses its meaning as we broaden our view.

Bill Fagal
January 1st, 2020

Image for Love’s First Works

Love’s First Works

May you forever experience the joy of first love that comes from working with God in the thing He cares about most—saving the lost.

Susan Payne
December 17th, 2019

Image for The Gift

The Gift

The most precious thing we can offer God is our lives in service to Him and others.

Caitlyn Babienco
December 10th, 2019

Image for God’s Leading

God’s Leading

As we journey together into 2020, may God open our eyes that we may see Him going before us and manifesting His glory through our lives and ministry. Thank you for being an integral part of AFM’s mission!

Conrad Vine
December 3rd, 2019

Image for Editorial: December 2019

Editorial: December 2019

As we celebrate Christ’s unfathomable gift of His own life for all the billions of human souls who will ever live, we should stop to ponder this mystery of grace: He would have made that same sacrifice for just one.

Bill Fagal
December 1st, 2019

Image for Thanksgiving Roll Call

Thanksgiving Roll Call

May you forever experience the joy that comes from working with God in what He cares the most about—saving the lost.

Dale Goodson and Susan Payne
November 19th, 2019

Image for The Missionary Résumé

The Missionary Résumé

Do you see glimpses of your own experience in this résumé? You need not have an entirely similar background. We would be happy to receive your application and put you to work for Jesus’ sake. Contact us at: recruit@afmonline.org.

Toni Minikus
November 12th, 2019

Image for Editorial: November 2019

Editorial: November 2019

Isn’t it funny that we often have to stop and think a while to come up with ways in which God has blessed us? Sometimes it’s almost like we are stumped.

Bill Fagal
November 1st, 2019

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