Home Office Blog
Being the Change, and Being Changed
Is God tugging on your heart to give Him a year overseas among the least served people on earth? He is inviting you to change people’s lives and to be changed in ways you can’t imagine.
Ricardo Palacios
February 25th, 2020
The Lasting Effects of Love, Missionaries Make an Impact in Surprising Ways
No matter your station in life, as a co-worker with God, the lasting effects of Love will change the world through you. Let’s go!
Susan Payne
February 25th, 2020
Editorial: March 2020
If you are a student, be a part of that blessing by giving a year to missions. If you are a giver, multiply the blessing by giving to the AFM Student Missions Fund.
Bill Fagal
February 25th, 2020
The Touch of Hope and Healing
Will you help connect the unreached with the One who brings healing and restoration?
Amanda Meseraull
February 11th, 2020
Editorial: February 2020
The superpower of a seed is its ability to wait.
Bill Fagal
February 1st, 2020
Multitasking Money
Humans aren’t very good at multitasking, but Jesus sure is
James Petty
January 21st, 2020
20/20 Vision
The beautiful thing is that once Jesus touches you, and you can see clearly, you can lead other wanderers to the Light. Go! Carry the light.
John Baxter
January 14th, 2020
New Year. New Mountains.
2020 dawns. What’s your mountain? What to do? Ascend in faith. How? Eyes to the hills. Whence cometh help? From the Lord! The Creator! Heaven and earth. All is His! We’re not alone! And on that day. Oh, glorious day. We will be all together. On Mount Zion.
David Vine
January 7th, 2020