Home Office Blog
Castles, Pandas and Roses
The greatest annual timeframe for gift-giving has just drawn to a close. It’s a time dedicated to remembering God’s precious gift by sharing gifts with each other.
Dale Goodson
January 1st, 2024
Editorial: January 2024
Unlike those TV ads that say, “Offer good while supplies last,” God has an endless supply of love — enough for every human who has ever lived (John 3:16-17).
Bryan Hill
January 1st, 2024
Universal Donor
We will be praying for you as you consider what gift you will give the Savior. Please contact us at service@afmonline.org, and we will help you.
John Baxter
December 1st, 2023
The Bridge of Redemption
Please pray that God will use us to share Him and His truth with the people He is reaching through dreams.
Abed Al-Masih
December 1st, 2023
Grade-School Missionary
God, grant us all such focused passion and determination to fulfill Jesus’ call to “Go into all the world” with the resources He has already given us.
Erin White
December 1st, 2023
The Patience of the Saints
Whether in good or hard times, with our eyes on the eternal prize, we commit to redoubling our efforts to bring the gospel to every unreached people group, for then the end will come, all human suffering will come to an end, and the need for hupomone is no more.
Conrad Vine
December 1st, 2023
Editorial: December 2023
Imagine bringing hope and wholeness to a single life or a people group in 2024. Imagine becoming a missionary. Imagine reaching the unreached. Pray. Give. Go!
Bryan Hill
December 1st, 2023
I Am Thankful
This time, when I look at all the lit apartments, rather than feeling sorry for myself, I see people in need, people desperate for someone to come and share the gospel, someone who will lead them to Jesus. That someone is me. That someone is you.
Mikaela Gorton
November 1st, 2023