Home Office Blog
Seeking AFM Center Facilities Manager
Job Opening: AFM Center Facilities Manager
June 23rd, 2022
Clap! Clap! Clap!
The clapping game participants and the early church believers started movements by sharing with others. You, too, can go and help start a new movement among an unreached people group
Michael Babienco
June 1st, 2022
The “Poppy” Seed
Perhaps the greatest lesson of my life is the one they taught without saying a word—a missionary is not a title; it is true Christian living.
Erin White
June 1st, 2022
Editorial: June 2022
As we remember our fathers or even consider our own fatherhood, let us be thankful to our Heavenly Father for His constant presence in our lives and the wonderful gift of His Son.
Bryan Hill
June 1st, 2022
It’s Planting Time
God takes our seeded efforts and brings forth a great harvest.
James Petty
May 19th, 2022
Apples, Cat Videos, the Unreached and You
Instead of being preoccupied with the coolest app or latest gadget, why not join one of the most significant movements in Earth’s history—sharing the gospel with every nation, tribe, tongue and people? You, too, have been called. Go and change the world through Him. For Him. For eternity.
Michael Babienco
May 10th, 2022
Captives of Conscience
Our conscience is a God-given inner faculty by which the Holy Spirit gives an awareness of the morality of given actions, decisions and thoughts. Through our conscience, the Holy Spirit both bears witness to what we already know to be God’s will (Romans 2:15) and also reveals God’s will to us and the community of faith (Romans 9:1).
Conrad Vine
May 3rd, 2022