Home Office Blog
Zakat: The Third Pillar of Islam
There are Five Pillars at the core of every Muslim’s duty to worship God. They fortify the Islamic faith and guide every Muslim into a life of servitude. These include shahada (the profession of faith), salah (prayer), zakat (almsgiving), sawm (fasting) and hajj (pilgrimage).
Abed Al-Masih
October 1st, 2022
Editorial: October 2022
For AFM missionaries and supporters (that’s you), it is often the opportunity to take up Christ’s great commission and tell others about Him—teaching what He has taught us in His word and, hopefully, one day baptizing them in His name.
Bryan Hill
October 1st, 2022
A Parable of the Harvest and the Laborers
But we wonder, however, how much more effective the picking would have been had the Society not ignored the acres of untouched trees, unpicked apples and unfinished work.
October 1st, 2022
Growing in Jesus and Serving the Unreached
God will do incredible things through these young people because of your prayers and their efforts this coming year.
Caitlyn Babienco
October 1st, 2022
Why Give?
“will you not help in this great work?
I beseech you to do something for Christ, and do it now.”
September 1st, 2022
The Roaring Lion
Please prayerfully consider how you can be one of His guides by going to the mission field or helping to send others.
Grace Burton
September 1st, 2022
Salah: The Second Pillar of Islam
Let us invite Muslims to pray with us whenever we mingle with them.
Abed Al-Masih
September 1st, 2022