Home Office Blog
Editorial: December 2021
Can you smell the victory? We are nearly home.
Bryan Hill
December 1st, 2021
No Turning Back!
Jesus is calling you to take the everlasting gospel to the unreached people of the world. You need not be afraid.
John Baxter
November 9th, 2021
To Be Living is Sublime
Together let us remain faithful to the task before us as believers: to spread the everlasting gospel to the four corners of the world.
Susan Payne
November 2nd, 2021
Editorial: November 2021
Rejoice . . . always! What “pressed down and running over” blessings will you share with others?
Bryan Hill
November 1st, 2021
Winning the Prize
By God’s grace, let us all meet at the finish line! Until then, be faithful.
Conrad Vine
October 5th, 2021
Editorial: October 2021
Cross-cultural missionaries learn and experience first-hand how to build relationships through hospitality and generosity.
Bryan Hill
October 1st, 2021
What If He Had Said “NO”?
More than two hundred missionaries had already left Herrnhut for the mission field. Who knows how many of those he was directly supporting. It was a staggering accomplishment.
Dale Goodson
September 21st, 2021
Fear Not!
“Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee…” (Joshua 1:9)
John Baxter
September 14th, 2021