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Image for Wealth Transfer and Abraham

Wealth Transfer and Abraham

Pray about serving as a Platinum Missionary — on one-year recurring service cycles, and pass on the greatest wealth of all — the Everlasting Gospel.

Conrad Vine
July 6th, 2021

Image for Editorial: July 2021

Editorial: July 2021

I thank you for the prayers you have already been praying for me, and I look forward to joining you in the adventure — immersed in stories demonstrating gospel outreach and Christian love in practical ways.

Bryan Hill
July 1st, 2021

Image for Between Worlds: Third Culture Kids

Between Worlds: Third Culture Kids

MKs, you are part of a special group of people who have paid a price for loving others. We owe you a debt of gratitude. May your reward be rich in Heaven through the lives rescued by Him who loves all.

Susan Payne
June 15th, 2021

Image for When I Was a Child…

When I Was a Child…

It’s not too late to be a missionary. Jesus can help you revive and realize those dreams. You can be a teacher, a mother, a nurse, an accountant, a father or nearly any other role. Take your children with you to the mission field. The important thing is to go and show the people the love of Jesus.

John Baxter
June 8th, 2021

Image for Emerging from the Jungles of PNG

Emerging from the Jungles of PNG

Yes, being a third-culture kid can be tough at times, but who doesn’t have challenges? Each difficulty is an invitation to humble ourselves under the hand of God. In the end, the blessings are much bigger than the trials, and I wouldn’t have chosen my life to be any different!

Karin Erickson-Smith
June 1st, 2021

Image for Editorial: June 2021

Editorial: June 2021

The good news is that God promises us escape, and His angels assist us every day in every trial. Lean on Jesus. Trust Him. Deliverance is near.

James Arkusinski
June 1st, 2021

Image for One


Will you join them? Will you be a missionary? You may be only one person, but through God, one person can save a city from eternal destruction; one person can save a people group from extinction; one person can be an incredible witness to many nations; and one person can tell the whole world of the marvelous works they have seen God perform.

Michael Babienco
May 11th, 2021

Image for Move Forward—Hindsight is so 2020

Move Forward—Hindsight is so 2020

Move forward in faith, trusting God to lead you into the greatest adventure of your life.

John Baxter
May 6th, 2021

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