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Image for What If He Had Said “NO”?

What If He Had Said “NO”?

More than two hundred missionaries had already left Herrnhut for the mission field. Who knows how many of those he was directly supporting. It was a staggering accomplishment.

Dale Goodson
September 21st, 2021

Image for Fear Not!

Fear Not!

“Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee…” (Joshua 1:9)

John Baxter
September 14th, 2021

Image for Newly-Equipped Christian Soldiers

Newly-Equipped Christian Soldiers

We invite you to prayerfully consider God’s call on your life. Next year could be the best year of your life, learning to trust the Savior fully while serving as a Christian soldier.

Michael Babienco
September 1st, 2021

Image for Editorial: September 2021

Editorial: September 2021

How do we define the more abundant life? What are its qualities? Many are the answers given depending on who you ask and when.

Bryan Hill
September 1st, 2021

Image for Gifts  “For Such A Time” (Part 1)

Gifts “For Such A Time” (Part 1)

“You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving” -Amy Carmichael

Dale Goodson
August 17th, 2021

Image for Together


If the picture of heaven is to be complete, someone must do something now. The gift of the gospel that you have is precious; you cannot simply stand by and wait for someone else to share it for you. Will you join us in helping to make the dream of reaching every people group a reality today?

Michael Babienco
August 10th, 2021

Image for Editorial: August 2021

Editorial: August 2021

Like Paul, always trust God and learn to gracefully accept all things and be content. Or, if we have not quite rounded that corner yet but still have a teachable spirit from our compassionate Savior, be willing to take that next opportunity to allow God to form you in His image.

Bryan Hill
August 1st, 2021

Image for Impossible


Over 40% of the world is still unreached and needs to hear about the salvation offered through Christ. Through human eyes, the remaining task is impossible and insurmountable. But the stories in the Bible demonstrate that what is impossible with man is possible with God.

Michael Babienco
July 13th, 2021

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