Home Office Blog
The Effect of Compounding
Whether in planned giving or front-line mission service, the greatest compounding effect can only be achieved by starting now.
James Petty
March 1st, 2023
Editorial: February 2023
So, how about it? One year? Two years? As Jared Ratcliff shares, “Jesus has invested infinitely more time and love into us than we can do for another”
Bryan Hill
March 1st, 2023
Now is the only time we have. Tomorrow may be too late. There is a great need for missionaries willing to take the gospel to all people and for those who will sacrificially support them.
Grace Burton
March 1st, 2023
Not Ashamed of the Gospel
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek” (Romans 1:16, NRSV).
Conrad Vine
March 1st, 2023
Have It All
Your desire to serve does not have to end with that one year you spent overseas in college. It does not have to remain that dream job you wanted when you were six. You can travel across the world and share the Good News of Jesus Christ with people, seeing the love of God transform their lives for the better. Want to know how you can have it all?
Caitlyn Babienco
January 1st, 2023
May the God of “all things good” be with you throughout this new year!
Dale Goodson
January 1st, 2023
Editorial: January 2023
May we each commit to hiding the word of God in our hearts in 2023.
Bryan Hill
January 1st, 2023
He is the Gift
Please prayerfully consider going to share the light of this Gift with the unreached who sit in darkness.
John Baxter
December 1st, 2022