Field Stories

Featured stories from the most recent issue of Adventist Frontiers.

Image for Malai’s Axe

Malai’s Axe

Please remember Malai in your prayers. Over the last two years, we have watched him mature, fall in love with Jesus and be baptized. He now dreams of finishing school and becoming a nurse.

David Hicks
December 1st, 2018

Image for Tommy


I don’t know what he will decide as he grows. We are still praying for him. You can put him on your prayer list, too.

Jonathan Nicholaides
December 1st, 2018

Image for Turned Back from Drupas

Turned Back from Drupas

The threat was real, and all of us were in mortal danger if we continued downriver. “Lord, help us know what to do,” we prayed.

David Hicks
November 1st, 2018

Image for Powerful Prayer

Powerful Prayer

Only in the Earth Made New will we be able to fully understand how many lives have been touched because readers like you have supported mission work around the world.

Orion Lawrence
November 1st, 2018

Image for Tragedy in Boan Village

Tragedy in Boan Village

Please pray for Chay and the seeds that have been planted.

Daniel Greenfield
November 1st, 2018

Image for Jym’s Testimony

Jym’s Testimony

Working for God is what I really want. Maybe someday I will even be a church planter. But whatever I do, I want to be serving God.

Veronica Nicholaides
November 1st, 2018

Image for Tewini’s Fight

Tewini’s Fight

All the rest of that night, his two relatives and I wrestled with him to keep his oxygen on. And we prayed.

November 1st, 2018

Image for On the Front Line

On the Front Line

Even in the worst of situations, God has important lessons for us to learn that will greatly bless our lives.

Fred Coker
November 1st, 2018

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