Field Stories

Featured stories from the most recent issue of Adventist Frontiers.

Image for Thank You

Thank You

Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support that make it possible for us to share Christ among our brother and sisters in Cambodia!

Bo Hutchison
October 1st, 2018

Image for God Provides

God Provides

In His own timing, often at the last minute, God likes to show us His plans that are more beautiful than we can imagine.

Joshua Lewis
October 1st, 2018

Image for Paul and Odile

Paul and Odile

Pray for Odile, Paul and their children and for a sweet reunion of the whole family in Christ.

Uli Baur
October 1st, 2018

Image for The Prisoner Set Free

The Prisoner Set Free

Let us pray that Marik will be instrumental in reaching many within his own community for Jesus.

Graham Allcock
October 1st, 2018

Image for From Darkness Into Light

From Darkness Into Light

It’s especially awesome when we get to take city kids from Khon Kaen into the wild outdoors and learn together from God’s first and second books.

Christopher Sorensen
October 1st, 2018

Image for Wrist Attack

Wrist Attack

It occurred to me that this strange pain might be a satanic attack. I knelt in the bedroom and prayed, rebuking Satan in Jesus’ name.

Suzy Baldwin
September 1st, 2018

Image for Divine Intervention

Divine Intervention

Finally, on our third day without success, I told him, “We will just have to go to their village and ask around. By faith, I believe God will lead us to them.”

George Tooray
September 1st, 2018

Image for Victory through Prayer

Victory through Prayer

We prayed that God would lead us to people in whom His Spirit is working and that we would be bold and invite them to begin Bible studies.

Brenda Mays
September 1st, 2018

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