Field Stories

Featured stories from the most recent issue of Adventist Frontiers.

Image for The Flooded Cave and God’s Great Rescue

The Flooded Cave and God’s Great Rescue

May God help us all not to grow weary in this rescue mission, wasting our time on worldly distractions or, worse yet, fighting among ourselves. Our mission is urgent!

Christopher Sorensen
September 1st, 2018

Image for Untold Stories

Untold Stories

Every one of us is living a story and writing a new chapter every day. We don’t know the ending, but by faith we know that God is working all things together for good.

Leonda George
September 1st, 2018

Image for Broken and Humbled

Broken and Humbled

In this difficult experience with my ankle fracture, I have seen the kindness of humanity shine through. If it helped the Great River people to see God a little clearer, it was beyond worth it.

September 1st, 2018

Image for A Great Awakening

A Great Awakening

For most Muslims, God is not a personal being we can know as a friend. Rather, He is a distant, powerful ruler. So I absolutely love it when they experience God as a friend who personally helps them through life’s trials!

Bo Hutchison
September 1st, 2018

Image for Midnight Visitor

Midnight Visitor

Just like that unexpected and unwanted midnight visitor, Satan comes to spoil our lives through temptations, heartaches or anything else he can use to rob us of our peace with Jesus.

Dorothy Hayward
September 1st, 2018

Image for Catching a Big Fish, Part II

Catching a Big Fish, Part II

Part I: When Pastor Oumar returned to town, Fred was worried. Formerly a minister in another denomination, Pastor Oumar had been a bitter opponent of the Adventist Church. But when Fred learned that Pastor Oumar’s wife was suffering from demon possession, he saw an opportunity to help.

Fred Coker
August 1st, 2018

Image for The Puzzle

The Puzzle

Friends, thank you for your care packages. They can be life-changing.

David Hicks
August 1st, 2018

Image for 8,000 Miles in a Month

8,000 Miles in a Month

There are so many more friends to make for the Kingdom among the Great River people.

Bo Hutchison
August 1st, 2018

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