Czechia Project

  • Pre-Entry
  • Pre-Evangelism
  • Evangelism
  • Discipleship
  • Phase-Out
  • Completed

About the People Group

While the Czech people are very direct in their communication style, they are friendly and helpful but can be shy around foreigners. They are punctual but not workaholics. They also value modesty. The Czech language is West Slavic, closely related to the Slovak and Polish languages, and they use the Latin alphabet. Their government is a unitary parliamentary republic with a president and a prime minister. Parliament has an upper house, the Senate, and a lower house, the Chamber of Deputies. The population of Czechia is just under 11 million, with 64 percent of the people between the ages of 15-64 and a near-even male-to-female ratio. The terrain consists of low mountains, hills and river valleys. The climate is temperate, with warm summers and cold winters filled with snow and clouds. Economically, Czechia is developed with an export-oriented market, and the people have a high quality of life.

About the Project

We assess that the people of Czechia are at least open to change. In the first half of the 20th century, more than 90 percent of the people identified themselves as Christian and historically, they have been known as tolerant or indifferent to religion. It is the goal of AFM to reintroduce Christ to this largely atheistic and secular population, which has grown wary of religion. Much intercessory prayer is needed to bring them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

People-Group Facts

Population: just under 11,000,000
Language: Czech
Religion: mostly atheistic, with about 11% Roman Catholic or other Christian and 9% unaffiliated with a religious denomination

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