
  • Pre-Entry
  • Pre-Evangelism
  • Evangelism
  • Discipleship
  • Phase-Out
  • Completed

About the People

The Gogodala people live deep in the sago swamps of the Western Province of Papua New Guinea. Approximately 25,000 men, women and children live in 30 villages stretched out on ridges of land that rise above large lagoons. They build their homes from split palm branches and cover them with thatched roofs made from sago palm leaves.

Missionaries have worked among the Gogodala for more than 60 years, trying to establish an indigenous church among the people. Yet, Gogodala men and women have shared that they never gave up their spirit traditions when they became “Christians.” Instead, they merged the two belief systems, often asking God to bless them before conducting their spirit ceremonies. Please pray that the Gogodala people will come to a true understanding of God’s love and care for them.

Frontier Stories


Most of our 60+ church attendees are not baptized members. This particular Sabbath, I presented the second part in a series on the Ten Commandments.

By: Stephen & Laurie Erickson
January 01 2012, 3:48 pm | Comments 0

The Great Physician’s Hands

I miss caring for hurting people, praying with them and pointing them to the Greatest of all Physicians.

By: Cindy White
January 01 2012, 12:09 pm | Comments 0


Since moving into our new house in Kewa village last year, we have been blessed with a new group of 30 to 50 people, mostly women and children, meeting regularly under our house on Sabbath mornings.

By: Stephen Erickson
December 01 2011, 10:55 pm | Comments 0

Printing Miracles

Oh no, not now, I thought as I attempted to print out the minutes of the last church business meeting.

By: Laurie Erickson
November 01 2011, 9:52 pm | Comments 0

Something Missing

The other day, Nasa saw his elderly uncle sitting in the shade of a thatched-roof hut in the middle of Kotale village with several other old men and heard him complaining about the plight of the local evangelical church.

By: Stephen Erickson
October 01 2011, 9:50 pm | Comments 0


One morning recently, knocking interrupted my devotions. Opening the door, I saw a Gogodala man standing at the bottom of our steps.

By: Stephen Erickson
August 01 2011, 9:41 pm | Comments 0

Home at Last

Galuma and Wawato are pillars of our church group in Kewa, the village where we live.

By: Stephen Erickson
June 01 2011, 9:38 pm | Comments 0


Bump, bump, rattle, creak, groan. The car lurched and leaned, swerved and swung as it dodged craters as if it were driving on the surface of the moon.

By: Stephen Erickson
May 01 2011, 9:37 pm | Comments 0

Lifting Each Other Up

“Steve, there is a clinic where I work a couple of days a month aside from my regular practice. The work is particularly trying, and I haven’t enjoyed it much, but it needs to be done.”

By: Stephen & Laurie Erickson
April 01 2011, 9:32 pm | Comments 0

The Power of the Mind

“Kanika:wa sosawabega,” (“Life is terrible,”) Goba told me as we sat together on a bench in the dark hallway across from the x-ray department of Port Moresby General Hospital.

By: Stephen Erickson
March 01 2011, 10:30 pm | Comments 0

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